When to Assess ADKAR Levels During a Change

Prosci’s ADKAR[1] model describes the five building blocks that need to be in place for a person to successfully adopt and use a change: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. The measurement of ADKAR levels during the lifecycle of a change provides a leading indicator of the potential success of the change. By assessing the strength of each building block for impacted groups at specific points in the lifecycle of a project, it’s possible to identify and address potential obstacles to the successful implementation of a change.

A question that often comes up in the Prosci programs that I deliver is “When should I assess ADKAR levels during a change? I recommend that you measure the ADKAR levels of impacted groups at least four times over the lifecycle of a change.

There are many ways to assess ADKAR levels, including online surveys, paper-based assessments, and interviews. Prosci has just released a new tool called the ADKAR Dashboard that provides an easy to use, customizable approach for measuring ADKAR levels at multiple points during a change. If you are interested in learning more about using the ADKAR individual change model to measure implementation progress in your organization, contact Andrew Horlick.

[1] The ADKAR model is copyrighted by Prosci.