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best practices

6 Strategies for Reducing Change Saturation

Seventy-two percent of the participants in Prosci’s 2016 Best Practices in Change Management Study indicated they expected a slight or significant increase in the volume of change in their organizations over the next two years. With the increasing volume of change, many organizations are approaching the point of change saturation. Change saturation occurs when the number of changes being implemented exceeds the capacity of the individuals in an organization to effectively adopt and use those changes.

Contribute to Prosci’s 10th Best Practices in Change Management Study

Prosci’s 10th Best Practices Study is now open for input. The study marks a major milestone for the change management discipline – twenty years of Prosci change management research. This study will produce the largest body of knowledge in the field and provide insights from thousands of change practitioners and leaders.

Prosci’s New Approach to Research

Prosci is changing the way they conduct their change management research. This will mean more opportunities for you to participate and benefit from this research. You will also have more timely access to the research results, which in turn will support more effective decision making when implementing change.

Change Management and Agile

Agile is a term used to describe a very different way of managing IT projects. In 2001, a group of 17 IT professionals came together to discuss the need for an alternative to cumbersome software development processes. They were concerned that the traditional approach to managing software development projects was failing far too often and believed there had to be a better way. An outcome of the meeting was the Agile Manifesto, which describes 4 important values that are as relevant today as they were then.

Prosci Best Practices in Change Management 2016 Edition

Prosci’s latest research study, containing new data collected from change practitioners worldwide, will be released to the public this month. The study, which was conducted in 2015, contains analyzed data from 1022 participants and includes a new section on Culture and Change Management.

Change management methodology: one size does not fit all

The application of a structured approach is essential to any change management program. As a change management professional who has experience with a wide range of methodologies, I wasn’t surprised to see that the use of an established, customizable and scalable methodology was identified as a contributor to success in Prosci’s Best Practices in Change Management Report (read about the #1 contributor in another blog post).

Greatest contributors and obstacles to successful change management

Prosci - sound familiar? Prosci is a 20-year leader in providing change management research, methodologies, tools, and training programs. In fact, 80% of Fortune 100 organizations are Prosci customers.

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V4N 3J7

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